Radiation oncology practice will be of the highest quality only if it is solidly based on sound clinical skills, fundamental concepts of cancer biology and radiation physics, and a thorough knowledge of the principles of cancer pathology. The clinical residency program in the WashU Medicine Department of Radiation Oncology includes theoretical and practical work in each of these areas. To stress the multidisciplinary nature of cancer therapy, residents work closely with our faculty and with faculty from other departments within the WashU Medicine, fostering an environment of understanding for the indications and limitations of each therapeutic modality or combination of modalities.
The Department of Radiation Oncology operates one of the largest clinical services in the country. More than 3,500 new patients are seen and over 76,000 external beam treatments are delivered annually in 7 unique campus facilities, representing 50% of all cancer patients in the St. Louis area, or about 30% of all cancer patients in the state of Missouri requiring treatment with radiation.
Our department is home to the world’s first single room proton center, the world’s first MRI-guided clinical treatments, and the world’s first online adaptive treatments. MRI fusion and PET imaging are routinely used in treatment planning. Residents gain extensive experience with radiopharmaceuticals and high-dose rate brachytherapy while rotating on the gynecology and gastrointestinal services.
The objective of this program is to train highly competent, strongly motivated and academically oriented radiation oncologists. The broad range of clinical experience and the abundant research opportunities within one of the most elite medical schools in the nation combine to create a superior radiation oncology residency.
Residency training results:
- Our residents have received top annual awards from ASTRO
- All residents have presented at national meetings
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