Faculty in the Department of Radiation Oncology provide leadership in Siteman Cancer Center and contribute significantly to developmental therapeutic and clinical trials research.
Department Leadership
Dennis E. Hallahan, MD, FASTRO
Elizabeth H. and James S. McDonnell III Distinguished Professor of Medicine Chair, Department of Radiation Oncology
Jeff M. Michalski, MD, MBA, FASTRO
Carlos A. Perez Distinguished Professor
Vice Chair and Director of Clinical Programs
Geoffrey Hugo, PhD, FAAPM
Professor of Radiation Oncology, Vice Chair of Medical Physics
Julie K. Schwarz, MD, PhD, FASTRO
Professor of Radiation Oncology, Vice Chair, Research, Cancer Biology Division Chief
These values constantly guide our department leadership in decision-making and interaction with our team!
Christopher D. Abraham, MD
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
Medical Director of Clinical Informatics
- Phone: 314-362-8610
Executive Assistant: Leigh Ann Zupan (lzupan@wustl.edu)
Michael Altman, PhD
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
Director of Education in Medical Physics
- Phone: 314-362-4818
- Email: m.altman@wustl.edu
Anthony J. Apicelli, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-362-8610
Executive Assistant: Christina Mossinghoff (cmossinghoff@wustl.edu)
Carmen Bergom, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-747-1786
Executive Assistant: Lena Zein (lena.a@wustl.edu)
Amit Bhatt, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-747-7236
Executive Assistant: Christina Mossinghoff (cmossinghoff@wustl.edu)
Douglas F. Caruthers, MS
Instructor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-362-2639
- Email: dfcaruthers@wustl.edu
Jessika Contreras, MD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, Gynecological Oncology and Brachytherapy
Executive Assistant: Nicole Castleberry (nicole.c@wustl.edu)
David T. Curiel, MD, PhD
Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-747-5443
- Email: dcuriel@wustl.edu
Arash Darafsheh, PhD
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-362-2639
- Email: arash.darafsheh@wustl.edu
Jennifer De Los Santos, MD
Professor of Radiation Oncology
Executive Assistant: Leigh Ann Zupan (lzupan@wustl.edu)
Carl DeSelm, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-273-2931
Executive Assistant: Steve Paglusch (steven.paglusch@wustl.edu)
Igor Dmitriev, PhD
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-362-9775
- Email: idmitriev@wustl.edu
Jose Garcia-Ramirez, MS
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-362-2639
- Email: jramirez@wustl.edu
Hiram A. Gay, MD
Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, Genitourinary Service
Medical Director of Radiation Oncology, Siteman Cancer Center – South County
- Phone: 314-362-8516
Executive Assistant: Estella Scott (eascott@wustl.edu)
Bruce Gu, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-362-2639
- Email: brucegu@wustl.edu
Lannis Hall, MD, MPH
Associate Professor of Clinical Radiation Oncology
Vice Chair, SCC Clinical Research Committee
SCC Director of Diversity and Inclusion in Clinical Research
Medical Director of Radiation Oncology, SCC at Barnes-Jewish St. Peters Hospital
Clinical Trials Leader, Program to Eliminate Cancer Disparities
- Email: lannishall@wustl.edu
Executive Assistant: Nicole Castleberry (nicole.c@wustl.edu)
Dennis E. Hallahan, MD, FASTRO
Elizabeth H. and James S. McDonnell III Distinguished Professor of Medicine
Chair, Department of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-362-9700
Executive Assistant: Jeanne Silvestrini (j.silvestrini@wustl.edu)
Yao Hao, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief of Image Services
- Phone: 314-273-2987
- Email: yaohao@wustl.edu
Jiayi Huang, MD, MSCI
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, CNS/Gamma Knife Service
Co-director, Brain Tumor Center at Siteman Cancer Center
- Phone: 314-273-2931
Executive Assistant: Christina Barr (barrchristina@wustl.edu)
Geoffrey Hugo, PhD
Professor of Radiation Oncology
Vice Chair of Medical Physics
- Phone: 314-362-2639
- Email: gdhugo@wustl.edu
Executive Assistant: Jennifer McDermott (boemerj@wustl.edu)
Vaishali Kapoor, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-362-9914
- Email: vkapoor@wustl.edu
Hyun Kim, MD
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, Gastrointestinal Service
Chief, MR-Guided Radiotherapy
- Phone: 314-362-8567
Executive Assistant: Amy Akers (akersa@wustl.edu)
Taeho Kim, PhD
Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, SRS Medical Physics Services (Lead GK AMP)
- Phone: 314-273-3316
- Email: taehokim@wustl.edu
Nels Knutson, PhD
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, Clinical Medical Physics
- Phone: 314-362-2639
- Email: nknutson@wustl.edu
Executive Assistant: Jennifer McDermott (boemerj@wustl.edu)
Susan Laduzinsky, MD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
Medical Director of Radiation Oncology, Siteman Cancer Center at Memorial Hospital East
Executive Assistant: Steve Paglusch (steven.paglusch@wustl.edu)
Eric Laugeman
Clinical Staff Physicist
Chief, Adaptive RT Physics
- Phone: 314-362-2639
- Email: elaugeman@wustl.edu
Jason Lee, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
Executive Assistant: Christy Hanson (chanson@wustl.edu)
Calvin Lewis, MD, PhD
Instructor of Radiation Oncology
- Email: calvinlewis@wustl.edu
Executive Assistant: Steve Paglusch (steven.paglusch@wustl.edu)
Hua Li, PhD, DABR
Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Email: li.hua@wustl.edu
Executive Assistant: Alice Canavan (canavana@wustl.edu)
Zhi Hong Lu, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-362-3236
- Email: zhihonglu@wustl.edu
Stephanie Markovina, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-747-1786
Executive Assistant: Lena Zein (lena.a@wustl.edu)
Nichole M. Maughan, PhD, MS
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-749-8759
- Email: maughan.nichole@wustl.edu
Thomas Mazur, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, SBRT
- Phone: 314-362-2639
- Email: tmazur@wustl.edu
Jeff M. Michalski, MD, MBA, FACR, FASTRO
Carlos A. Perez Distinguished Professor
Vice Chair and Director of Clinical Programs
- Phone: 314-362-8566
Executive Assistant: Brandy Fleming (brandyf@wustl.edu)
Timothy Mitchell, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-362-2639
- Email: tjmitchell@wustl.edu
Allen Mo, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
Executive Assistant: Amy Akers (akersa@wustl.edu)
Michael Moravan, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
Medical Director, Siteman Cancer Center at Northwest HealthCare
Executive Assistant: Christina Mossinghoff (cmossinghoff@wustl.edu)
Naim Ozturk, PhD
Chief Physicist, Cox Health Springfield
- Phone: 314-362-2639
- Email: nozturk@wustl.edu
Stephanie M. Perkins, MD
S. Lee Kling Endowed Chair in Radiation Oncology
Director, S. Lee Kling Proton Therapy Center
Chief, Pediatric Radiotherapy Service
Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-273-2931
Executive Assistant: Christina Barr (barrchristina@wustl.edu)
Michael Prusator, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, External Beam Physics
- Phone: 314-273-1429
- Email: m.prusator@wustl.edu
Nikhil Rammohan, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
Executive Assistant: Christina Barr (barrchristina@wustl.edu)
James Randall, MD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
Executive Assistant: Steve Paglusch (steven.paglusch@wustl.edu)
Clifford G. Robinson, MD, FASTRO
Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT)
Associate Director, Clinical Programs
- Phone: 314-362-8567
Executive Assistant: Amy Akers (akersa@wustl.edu)
Buck Rogers, PhD
Associate Director, Cancer Biology Division
Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-362-9787
- Email: b.rogers@wustl.edu
Pamela Samson, MD, MPHS
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-747-1786
Executive Assistant: Lena Zein (lena.a@wustl.edu)
Matthew Schmidt, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, Quality Assurance
- Email: matthew.schmidt@wustl.edu
Julie K. Schwarz, MD, PhD, FASTRO
Professor of Radiation Oncology, Vice-Chair, Research, Cancer Biology Division Director
- Phone: 314-273-0275
Executive Assistant: Kathy Hentrich (k.hentrich@wustl.edu)
William Straube, MS
Research Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-362-9762
- Email: straube@wustl.edu
Maria A. Thomas, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-362-8516
Executive Assistant: Estella Scott (eascott@wustl.edu)
Wade L. Thorstad, MD
Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, Head and Neck Cancer Service
- Phone: 314-362-8516
Executive Assistant: Estella Scott (eascott@wustl.edu)
Gregory R. Vlacich, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
Clinical Director for Satellite Operations
Medical Director of Radiation Oncology, Alton Memorial Hospital
- Phone: 314-362-8610
Executive Assistant: Steve Paglusch (steven.paglusch@wustl.edu)
Phillip Wall, PhD, MS
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
Assistant Program Director, Medical Physics Residency Program
- Email: phillip.wall@wustl.edu
Michael Waters, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
Executive Assistant: Leigh Ann Zupan (lzupan@wustl.edu)
Jeffrey F. Williamson, PhD, MD(hon), FAAPM, FACR, FASTRO
Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 804-387-2512
- Email: jfwilliamson@wustl.edu
Joanna C. Yang, MD, MPH
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, Leukemia and Lymphoma Service
Director, Clinical Residency Program
- Phone: 314-362-8610
Executive Assistant: Christina Mossinghoff (cmossinghoff@wustl.edu)
Jin Zhang, PhD, MPHS
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
- Phone: 314-273-3278
- Email: jin.zhang@wustl.edu
Tong Zhu, PhD, DABR
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, MRgRT Services
- Phone: 314-273-1447
- Email: zhut@wustl.edu
Imran Zoberi, MD
Professor of Radiation Oncology
Medical Director of Radiation Oncology, Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital
- Phone: 314-362-8610
Executive Assistant: Nicole Castleberry (nicole.c@wustl.edu)
Jacqueline Esthappan Zoberi, PhD
Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, Brachytherapy Medical Physics Service
- Phone: 314-362-8610
- Email: jzoberi@radonc.wustl.edu