Thomas Mazur, PhD

Thomas Mazur, PhD

Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, SBRT

Justin Mikell, PhD

Justin Mikell, PhD

Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology

Timothy Mitchell, PhD

Timothy Mitchell, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology

Eric Morris, PhD

Eric Morris, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology

Seungjong Oh, PhD

Seungjong Oh, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology

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Naim Ozturk, PhD

Chief Physicist, Cox Health Springfield

Rajesh Panthi, PhD

Rajesh Panthi, PhD

Clinical Physicist

Michael Prusator, PhD

Michael Prusator, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, External Beam Physics

Ziad Saleh, PhD

Ziad Saleh, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
Associate Program Director, Post-PhD Certificate in Medical Physics

Matthew Schmidt, PhD

Matthew Schmidt, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, Quality Assurance

Samantha To, MS

Samantha To, MS

Clinical Physicist

Phillip Wall, PhD, MS

Phillip Wall, PhD, MS

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
Assistant Program Director, Medical Physics Residency Program

Hailei Zhang, PhD

Hailei Zhang, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology

Xiandong Zhao, PhD

Xiandong Zhao, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology

Xiaodong Zhao, PhD

Xiaodong Zhao, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology

Tong Zhu, PhD, DABR

Tong Zhu, PhD, DABR

Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, MRgRT Services

Jacqueline Esthappan Zoberi, PhD

Jacqueline Esthappan Zoberi, PhD

Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, Brachytherapy Medical Physics Service