All trainees entering the Radiation Oncology Physics Residency program are required to satisfy the CAMPEP standards for program admission. That is, individuals must have acquired a strong foundation in basic physics as demonstrated by an undergraduate or graduate degree in physics or a degree in engineering, mathematics or other related science and the equivalent of a minor in physics (as defined by at least three upper-level undergraduate physics courses). Furthermore, individuals must have either 1) an MS or PhD from a CAMPEP-accredited Medical Physics graduate program, or 2) a PhD in physics or a related discipline and completed a CAMPEP-accredited certificate program.  

The physics residency education program lasts for two years, with the training calendar starting on January 1 or July 1 of each year at the discretion of the Residency Program Director.

Number of residents

The Physics Residency Program is designed to handle a maximum of 8 residents.

Recruitment efforts

Available Physics Resident positions will be posted to the AAPM Career Services Board. The advertisement describes the training program and provides instructions concerning application to the program. In addition, a letter and application is sent to the Program Director at each AAPM-listed graduate and post-doc granting institutions to inform them of openings in our training program and urging them to encourage their graduates to apply to our program.

Interested candidates are encouraged to review the materials linked below, which provide essential information on radiation oncology physics training. These documents are all available for free through the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM).

Upon electronic receipt of the candidate’s completed application, transcripts, and letters of recommendation, the information packet is forwarded to members of the Physics Resident Search Committee, who then rank the candidates. The scores are summed and the top candidates are contacted by phone to initiate the interview process. Candidates contacted by phone are invited to interview. They are then interviewed by members of the Physics Residency Committee along with other physics faculty. In addition, references may be contacted by phone to supplement the recommendation letters. Interviews will take place in October and November.

Please note: we are not participating in the Match Program this year. Instead, please send an email indicating your interest to and include the following:

  • Your CV
  • Undergraduate and graduate transcripts
  • An answer to one of the following questions:
    1. How will your specific skills or experience help us further one or more of our Core Values?
    2. What is your understanding of the role of a medical physicist in the context of a radiation oncology department?
  • Three references (please have the referees send these directly to

Applications for residency positions with a start date of July 1 will be accepted starting the August 1 of the immediately preceding calendar year.  All materials, including letters of recommendation, should be received no later than October 1, and all final selections are intended to be completed by December 1.  (Example, for a July 1, 2026 start, applications are accepted starting Aug. 1, 2025, due no later than Oct. 1, 2025, and final selections are by December 1, 2025.)

Applications for residency positions with a start date of January 1 will be accepted starting April 1 of the immediately preceding calendar year.  All materials, including letters of recommendation, should be received no later than May 1, and all final selections are intended to be completed by July 1.  (Example, for a Jan. 1, 2026 start, applications are accepted starting April 1, 2025, due no later than May 1, 2025, and final selections are by July 1, 2025.)

The Medical Physics Residency Program in Radiation Oncology endeavors to provide a welcoming and supportive environment for individuals of all backgrounds and lifestyles, in accordance with Washington University School of Medicine’s focus on fostering a diverse and inclusive environment.  Washington University School of Medicine’s culture of collaboration and inclusion is the foundation for success in everything it does. The School of Medicine recognizes that by bringing together people from varying backgrounds, experiences and areas of expertise, it can develop richer solutions to complex scientific questions, train culturally sensitive clinicians and provide health care in a way that best serves our diverse patient population. To support these values, the School of Medicine is deeply committed to building a diverse and inclusive community in which everyone is welcomed and valued. Washington University encourages and gives full consideration to all applicants for admission and employment regardless of race, color, ethnicity, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ability, gender identity or expression, national origin, veteran status, socio-economic status, and/or genetic information. We implement policies and practices that support the inclusion of all such potential students, trainees and employees and are committed to being an institution that is accessible to everyone who learns, conducts research, works and seeks care on our campus and we provide reasonable accommodations to those seeking that assistance.