In accordance with the Principles of Affiliation between Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine, medical physics residents are employees of the university and are also subject to hospital policies and procedures. The direction and content of the physics residency program is developed and administered by the Physics Residency Program Director, an employee of Washington University, assisted by the Physics Residency Committee. Hospital administration and University Administration work together daily to ensure consistency and coordination. The Program Director follows guidelines established by the Physics Residency Program Committee, Washington University School of Medicine, and Barnes-Jewish Hospital in administering the program and is responsible to the Chairman of the Radiation Oncology Department.

Program administration


Michael Altman, PhD
Associate Professor
of Radiation Oncology
Washington University School of Medicine

Associate Program Director

Phillip Wall, PhD, MS
Assistant Professor
of Radiation Oncology
Washington University School of Medicine

Program Coordinator

Julie Follman, MBA
Education Coordinator

Medical physics residency committee

The medical physics residency program committee consists of selected faculty members, clinical staff, and a rotating resident representative. The medical physics residency program committee is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Resident recruitment
  • Admission recommendations
  • Monitor physics resident’s progress
  • Training curriculum
  • Orientation program
  • Committee meetings
  • Oral exams
  • Program review