Michael Altman, PhD

Michael Altman, PhD

Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
Director of Education in Medical Physics

Arash Darafsheh, PhD

Arash Darafsheh, PhD

Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
Associate Program Director, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Medical Physics and Master of Science in Medical Physics Programs

Sharbacha Edward, PhD

Sharbacha Edward, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology

Farnoush  Forghani-Arani, PhD

Farnoush Forghani-Arani, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology

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H. Michael Gach, PhD

Professor of Radiation Oncology

Jose Garcia-Ramirez, MS

Jose Garcia-Ramirez, MS

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology

S. Murty Goddu, PhD

S. Murty Goddu, PhD

Professor of Radiation Oncology

Bruce Gu, PhD

Bruce Gu, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology

Jon Hansen, PhD

Jon Hansen, PhD

Clinical Physicist

Yao Hao, PhD

Yao Hao, PhD

Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief of Image Services

Joseph Harms, PhD

Joseph Harms, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology

Dean Hobbis, PhD

Dean Hobbis, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology

Geoffrey Hugo, PhD

Geoffrey Hugo, PhD

Professor of Radiation Oncology
Vice Chair of Medical Physics

Executive Assistant: Jennifer McDermott (boemerj@wustl.edu)

Elizabeth Jeong, MS

Elizabeth Jeong, MS

Clinical Physicist

Taeho Kim, PhD, DABR, DABMP(MRI)

Taeho Kim, PhD, DABR, DABMP(MRI)

Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, SRS Medical Physics Services (Lead GK AMP)

Nels Knutson, PhD

Nels Knutson, PhD

Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chief, Clinical Medical Physics

Executive Assistant: Jennifer McDermott (boemerj@wustl.edu)

Eric Laugeman

Eric Laugeman

Clinical Staff Physicist
Chief, Adaptive RT Physics

Hugh Lee, PhD

Hugh Lee, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology

Hua Li, PhD, DABR

Hua Li, PhD, DABR

Professor of Radiation Oncology
Director of Research and Development, Medical Physics Division

Executive Assistant: Bobbi Austin (aroberta@wustl.edu)